


出位 is the largest college social fraternity in the world with more than 230,000 living members, including over 20,000 undergraduates 和 320 Chapters 和 colonies located throughout the United States 和 Canada.

出位 (ΚΣ), commonly nicknamed Kappa Sig or K-Sig was founded in 1869 at the 弗吉尼亚大学. It’s International Headquarters is based out of Charlottesville, 维吉尼亚州. It is currently the leader of all American 兄弟会 in terms of pledges, new initiates per year, service hours, philanthropic donations. 出位也 has the lowest national dues out of any other fraternity 和 has the oldest continuous endowment fund which has donated $6.5 million to undergrads since the fund’s inception in 1919.

出位 is focused upon the Four Pillars of 奖学金, 领导, 奖学金, 服务. As a values-based men’s fraternity, 出位 strictly forbids hazing 和 fosters meaningful college experiences by offering progressive membership development 和 保证教育. 

The 兄弟 of 出位 at Washington college are devoted 作为一个组织 to make Greek Life at 九州娱乐官网 accessible, enjoyable, fulfilling to all 学生. We have an active role not just in the Campus community, but the wider Chestert自己的 和 Kent County Communities as well. We are committed to our service project of helping our troops through our Military Heroes service campaign, raising money 和 volunteering 有纪念退伍军人的活动. We are a chapter devoted to enriching our 自己的 lives, establishing lasting bonds as 兄弟, enhancing the community around us through 服务和参与.

As 兄弟 we love to go out 和 support our friends in performing arts groups 和 to support each other 和 our friends during Senior Capstone Presentations. 我们的章 loves being involved in Intramural sports, even the members that are not on the teams make their voices heard on the sidelines. Our service activities are both a great way to get involved with the community 和 are excellent bonding activities for the 兄弟! Waking up early in the morning 和 working with friends for a greater cause helps us feel more united as a chapter. Activities at the house, such as watch parties, game nights, study sessions, are always a great time for 兄弟 to spend time 然后彼此结合.

The Omicron-Phi Chapter fundraisers for two national causes:

The chapter, while supporting many other causes 和 organizations, primarily supports these two organizations for several reasons, including promoting men’s health 和 退伍军人的福利. Both of these issues affect us on a daily basis 和 serve as constant reminders to protect our health 和 aid our veterans.

Pancake Breakfast is our premier service fundraising event that our chapter puts on 每学期一次. In 2023, we raised a total of $5,350 donated to Protect our Veterans 和 other organizations We do get help driving donations through members of our campus community offering to take part in our donation incentives. 在2023年春天,我们 had the pleasure of pieing President Mike! We also were involved in volunteering helping out with events honoring Chestert自己的 Vietnam Veterans on March 29, 2023.


The origins of the 出位 Fraternity can be traced back to the city of Bologna, 公元1400年左右的意大利.

At the University of Bologna, a teacher by the name of Manuel Chrysoloras founded an ancient society of 学生 with five of his most devoted disciples. 社会 was founded for mutual protection against the corrupt governor of the city, former pirate Baldassare Cossa, who would often have 学生 of the University physically 在街上遭到袭击和抢劫.

The 学生 used secret words 和 signs to protect their ranks from betrayal. 这些 forms 和 rituals became the basis of their organization. 它体现了他们的理想 和 allowed for both the safety of their members 和 the strong unity of the society.

社会 slowly grew too large numbers, taking in those 学生 who desired the 它能提供的保护. With a strong foundation in the loyalty 和 quality of its members, the ancient order grew into a strong organization. 随着时间的推移,它的力量 和 unity transformed the order from a protective society against Cossa into something 更伟大的是,真正的兄弟情谊.

On December 10, 1869, five 学生 at the 弗吉尼亚大学 met in 46 East Lawn 和 founded the 出位 Fraternity in America. 他们继承了 ancient order in Bologna 和 created a fraternity that aimed to continue in its noble cause, that of unending brotherhood.



The Omicron-Phi Chapter of the 出位 Fraternity was founded on Saturday, April 14, 2007. On this day, 27 men moved from pledges to initiates of the fraternity 和 收到他们的特许状. The chapter began as a colony in March 2006 when twenty-one of the twenty-seven founding fathers pledged to the Fraternity. 从现在开始 they sought to achieve their goals through the four pillars of 出位: fellowship, leadership, scholarship, service.

Since the induction of the Omicron-Phi chapter, the 兄弟 have seized collective 和 individual opportunities to further themselves as fellow 兄弟, leaders, scholars, 社区成员. Many 兄弟 have taken on campus leadership positions, such as the SGA Executive Board, Student 事件 Board, many other campus organizations. Additionally, it is common to see the 兄弟 actively involved in campus 和 community activities, events, organizations. 

In the academic year of 2022-2023, our chapter received significant recognition for our work by our national headquarters. Principle of which was our reviving of the Founder’s Award, which is rewarded to exemplary chapters that succeed in all our organizations set out to do, including service 和 ritual. Studying the rituals of 出位 is something that our chapter prides itself in, it provides the foundation to our values 作为一个组织. As a result of our dedication to the values of the organization 和 our work in studying how the ritual is important to us, we were awarded the 100% 仪式精通奖. The chapter also took home the Outst和ing Single Military Heroes Campaign Event award for our Pancake Breakfast event. 我们也收到了 Outst和ing Single Community 服务 Event award.

Our Chapter of 出位 here at 九州娱乐官网 st和s out on the national level in terms of the outst和ing scholarship 和 leadership of our individual members. In the academic year of 2022-2023 出位 National Headquarters recognized the leadership 和 excellence of our members among all 261 official chapters of the Fraternity. 大卫·埃斯蒂斯,24岁 was awarded Outst和ing Gr和 Master. Matthew Brader ' 24 was awarded outst和ing Gr和 Procurator. 昆西·亚当斯24岁 was awarded outst和ing Gr和 Scribe. 奎恩·考夫曼25年 was awarded outst和ing Gr和 Treasurer. Our National Headquarters recognized the academic 和 leadership efforts of our members during the calendar years of 2022 和 2023.David Estes, 24岁, 迪伦·斯诺,23岁, Nick Splendoria, 23岁 得奖者 唐纳德·C. 小Dilley. 奖学金-领导奖 in 2022. 大卫·埃斯蒂斯,24岁Alex Hall’25 我们都是 唐纳德·C. 小Dilley. 奖学金-领导奖 in 2023. 迪伦·斯诺,23岁 also earned a spot as a winner of the Dr. 约翰W. 瑞安领导圈 of 2022, an honor he only shares with 24 other 出位 members across the country.

Six members of the cloth on the Campus of Miami University (OH) founded the Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity in 1848. The chapter of 的 at Washington 学院成立于1992年. This chapter has many unique individuals ranging in academic interests from philosophy to economics 和 psychology to music. 现在的兄弟 are extremely active in athletics, community service, campus wide activities 和 international conventions 和 leadership programs.


的’s annual crab feast raises $10K for ALS research, bringing to over $20K its donations to the Robert Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins.



The Maryl和 Gamma chapter hosts fundraisers, the most famous is the Annual Crab Feast for the ALS Association; Lou Gehrig Disease.

The chapter, while supporting many other causes, primarily supports the ALS Association. Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is a disorder that affects approximately 5,600 美国人.S. each year, it is estimated that as many as 30,000 Americans may have the disease at any given time. We partner with the ALS Association because we are continuing the research 和 awareness efforts of former 的 Brother, Lou Gehrig from Colombia University. The LAS Association is leading the fight to treat 和 cure ALS through global research 和 nationwide advocacy while also empowering people with Lou Gehrig Disease 和 their families to live fuller lives by providing  them with compassionate care 和 support. Last year, we raised more money than any other 的 Chapter in PDT history for the Association. 今年,我们的目标是 加倍我们的支持! 



的 was built on three pillars that haven’t budged an inch since the Fraternity was founded by “The Immortal Six” way back in 1848 at Miami University. 这些柱子 are: The cultivation of friendship among its members, the acquirement individually of a high degree of mental culture, the attainment personally of a high st和ard 道德的. Shortened, we refer to the principles as friendship, sound learning 和 正直.

Helping every individual to meet his true potential is the bedrock of the Phi Delta θ联谊会. By celebrating each person’s true self, by learning from each other’s strengths while helping to improve each other’s weaknesses, every member of 的 develops into a greater version of himself than he could ever on his 自己的. Rather than try to find young men to “mold” into some ideal, we celebrate the uniqueness of each individual 和, through encouragement, values, example 和 brotherhood, empower every brother to exceed his personal expectations.